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Senegal has decided to adopt a new development model to accelerate its march towards emergence. This strategy, known as the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE), constitutes the benchmark for economic and social policy in the medium and long term. It is based on the economic development of Senegal by 2035.

The development of the aeronautical sector occupies an important place in this development process initiated since 2013. This is how the Air and Tourism Hub Strategy 2021-2025 was validated on April 23, 2021 during a Presidential Council where the Head of the State, His Excellency, Macky SALL affirmed Senegal’s ambition to become the leading air and tourist hub in West Africa.

The National Agency for Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM) is one of the major players in this air hub project. This is why one of the priorities of the Strategy is to strengthen the Agency to enable it to carry out its missions relating to the oversight of civil aviation safety and security and the provision of weather forecasts and climate services. quality.
