The National Agency for Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM), created by decree n° 2011-1055 of July 28, 2011, modified by decree n° 2015-981 of July 10, 2015, is the authority of the Civil Aviation in Senegal enshrined in Law No. 2015-10 of May 4, 2015 on the Civil Aviation Code. It is responsible, among other things, on behalf of the State :
the development, dissemination and implementation of technical regulations ;
the promotion and development of air transport ;
monitoring the implementation of national and international regulatory provisions by air operators, airlines, ground handling companies and other air service providers ;
supervising and coordinating all meteorological and climatological activities and scientific issues related to climate change ;
the management of the meteorological observation network, including facilities, equipment maintenance and data exchange on a global scale.
Thus, to enable it to carry out its missions, implementing texts of the Civil Aviation Code have been adopted, in particular, decrees no. Civil Aviation in Senegal and No. 2015-1969 of December 21, 2015 organizing the National Civil Aviation Safety Supervision Framework in Senegal.
Nowadays, the aeronautical and meteorological world faces two major problems, even two key challenges which require a strengthening of the institutional framework : that of safety and security coupled with the development of the sector on the one hand, that of climate change on the other hand.